Objective Ukraine will understand what logistical support your business needs. We know how difficult it can be to start up (or restart) in Ukraine and what you might need to make this happen. We have made it our business to make sure we can present the best support services, solutions and professional partners to supplement our safety and security services.

Working in Ukraine doesn’t need to be difficult and just as we can mitigate ALL safety and security risks, we will also go a step further to ensure your team and business are supported with logistical and business services.

Click on the headings below to see what else Objective Ukraine can do to support you.

  • Moving around Ukraine is not hard. Road and rail networks are well established and easy to navigate, but we can make things even easier for you. Objective Ukraine will get your team and any equipment to where you need everything to be, anywhere in the country. (Not including temporarily occupied areas.)

    We will help you coordinate all movement or do everything for you, so you can focus on your business.

    Also, we will help you to rent any vehicles that you need and will not be beaten on price for leasing and purchase of brand new protected SUVs. (According to availability.)

  • Our knowledge of Ukraine’s towns and cities and the connections we have nurtured in each of these, enable us to find and secure short and long-term housing and workplace options for our customers. We assess all options for affordability, comfort and above all, security. If required and absolutely necessary - we never ‘over-advise’ and increase your costs! - we can provide you with enhanced protection at any location.

    We understand that whist safety is paramount and your team needs a comfortable and relaxing environment in which to work and live, budgets must still be respected to ensure project longevity.

  • Our network of experienced and vetted fixers have been selected for their ability to assist us with all logistical challenges and are located throughout the country.

    Whilst everyone on our staff speaks great English, Objective Ukraine also has professional, multi-lingual translators to help your business to cross the T's and dot the I's, literally.

  • Our time and experience in Ukraine has helped us to form close relationships with several brokers and underwriters in London’s insurance market. An example of how respected we are can be found here: Anderson Lloyd International.

    We will work closely with whoever you are talking to about insurance cover, to ensure your provider has a clear understanding of your project objectives and the actual risks that your business might face.

    Our service WILL reduce your insurance premiums.

  • Objective Ukraine's US-Ukrainian providers of legal and accounting services have been practicing in Kyiv for over 25 years. With this level of experience comes an unrivalled knowledge of what is required to support new and existing businesses.

    We value their support and have introduced them to several clients and associates. We would be delighted to do the same for you.

(Odesa, S. Ukraine)