Objective Ukraine provides reliable risk mitigation solutions that ensure the safety and security of our clients and the people they work with. We believe that effective security measures should facilitate, rather than hinder, successful operations. Our considered approach will therefore always result in a cost-effective and appropriate plan for your staff and your organisation.

If your company is a registered charity then Objective Ukraine will offer a generous discount for our medical and protective training courses and services.

Click on the headings below to see how Objective Ukraine can keep you safe and secure.

  • Customised security protocols and emergency procedures are vital in every kind of organisation, in order to ensure operational continuity and, most importantly, to keep your staff and project leadership safe with peace of mind. At Objective Ukraine our vast local knowledge enables us to tailor protocols to your specific needs. We will minimise risk and maximise your safety.

  • Our security managers are highly trained and experienced. They have operated globally and most have been working in Ukraine since not long after the main invasion. Some for many years before that. Everyone at Objective Ukraine has been trained in trauma care and many are qualified military / civilian medical technicians.

  • Objective UA can provide 'tier one' technical surveillance counter measures (TSCM) (i.e. bug sweeping and more), tracking solutions, cyber security and forensic services. All of which is worth considering for the offices, residences and key staff of an organisation operating in Ukraine.

    For communications, we will help you find and maintain everything that you need: short and long-range radios, voice and data cellular devices and satellite connectivity.

  • Through our training branch, HEATUkraine, we will provide your staff with Hostile Environment Awareness Training and 1st Aid & Basic Trauma Care courses that are delivered in English and / or Ukrainian at our unrivalled facility in Kyiv and at our training centres in and out of town. Bespoke top-up training days can also be provided anywhere in the country.

    Our courses have been very well received by a number of NGOs, to whom we give generous charity discounts. Our courses can also be delivered in Moldova. We also deliver driver training for all natures of vehicles, including protected SUVs.

  • Our operations room is staffed around the clock to ensure constant overwatch and tracking throughout Ukraine*. This level of support further enhances project efficiency, communication and overall performance to give you and your staff (and your insurance provider) peace of mind.

    *Not including (temporarily) occupied areas.

  • In the event of an emergency, whatever the cause may be, we can evacuate your staff and if necessary provide a repatriation service all the way to their home countries. We have done precisely this for customers (and serving personnel) who have found themselves in need of the best medical attention, without wanting to place a burden on local carers. Our connections and assets make this possible very quickly.

    Many providers simply cannot replicate this level of service.

  • With so many dubious manufacturers and vendors flooding the marketplace with unsatisfactory (and worse) PPE products, you need to know you can trust. Objective Ukraine will source what your staff members need and promise to never mark-up the price.

(Lviv, W. Ukraine)